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Entries posted by AnthonyA

Smart Schooling – Seven Rules for Proper Schooling

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Smart Schooling – Seven Rules for Proper Schooling

Michael Jordan once said, “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.” Although Jordan was not an equestrian, his words are paramount to the success of any athlete, regardless of their sport. Similar to any other top-level athlete, equestrians are continually striving to be better and to achieve the ideal performance in the show arena. However, many pieces must line up to create a winning ride. Unfortunately, it only takes one misstep to derail an otherwise winning performance.

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Around the Rings – Madness With G-Man

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Around the Rings – Madness With G-Man
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The Overtraining Phenomenon – How to Peak Your Horse at Exactly the Right Time

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The Overtraining Phenomenon – How to Peak Your Horse at Exactly the Right Time

There are an enticing array of high profile horse shows scattered across the country and the calendar. As a result, it can feel as though you must be at your absolute best for every show. Yet that can take a toll on the physical and mental well-being of both horse and rider. This overtraining phenomenon often leads to a discouraging show experience and can unwittingly spur on even more overtraining, perpetuating the cycle.

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COVID-19 Strikes a Blow to the Horse Show Industry

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COVID-19 Strikes a Blow to the Horse Show Industry

There’s a line in an old Alabama song that says, “You can’t keep a good man down.” If there was ever a time to apply it to the horse industry, it’s right now.

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Show Ready Strength: A Full Body Exercise Routine for the Busy Equestrian

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Show Ready Strength: A Full Body Exercise Routine for the Busy Equestrian

Any successful equestrian will agree that consistent practice leads to trophies and titles. In addition, any successful partnership is strengthened through time spent in the saddle. But another integral piece of the puzzle is the physical fitness of not just the horse but also the rider.

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Amateur Profile- Barbara Gonzalez

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Amateur Profile- Barbara Gonzalez

When Barbara and Tom Gonzalez married and began to raise their kids, the thought of being a horse show family was never on their radar. “We weren’t raised around horses and didn’t know anything about horse shows,” explains Barbara. Barbara and Tom with their three daughters, Meagan, Molly, and Melissa, enjoyed taking family vacations to various parts of Colorado and New Mexico. On their vacations, riding horses was one of their favorite family activities, and they discovered their love for horses together. “One memory that stands out is when we were on vacation in Colorado and our youngest daughter, Melissa, instantly fell in love with riding when she took a ride on a pony named Pete. She was three at the time and was smiling from ear to ear. After that ride, she never stopped talking about horses and has been horse crazy ever since,” Barbara says.

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Virtual Horse Shows Offer New Opportunities Amid Uncharted Territory

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Virtual Horse Shows Offer New Opportunities Amid Uncharted Territory

In mid-March, amid growing concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic, the horse show community began to mourn the loss of the typical show season. Shows were postponed, left and right, and then cancelled all together. It was then that horse trainer Charlie Cole saw an opportunity to make the best of a tough situation.

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Should You “Half Lease” Your Horse?

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Should You “Half Lease” Your Horse?

What is a “half-lease” (sometimes called a “share board” arrangement)? Don’t ask any lawyer since the term won’t be found in law books (except for this author’s Equine Law books). These arrangements enable horse owners to continue use of their horses, though limited, while another person shares use of the horse. Horse owners sometimes consider these arrangements as a way of sharing expenses of boarding and care. The problem is, these arrangements can create problems and unintended consequences. This article discusses legal aspects of “half lease/share board” arrangements.

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Pain Transference – Tracking Clues to Find the Source

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Pain Transference – Tracking Clues to Find the Source

While lameness can only be definitively diagnosed by a veterinarian, your detective work can help to mitigate issues and speed recovery. Lameness is an indicator that something within a horse’s body hurts. In turn, the horse will alter his gait to control the amount of load the affected limb has to bear. Pain is the most common cause of lameness in all horses, though mechanical restrictions or neuromuscular disease can be factors.

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Youth Spotlight – The Langley Sisters

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Youth Spotlight – The Langley Sisters

Sometimes, for certain families, the horse world just pulls you in and doesn’t let go. Avery and Addie Langley are no exception. The Langley girls are rising stars who can be seen showing in youth all-around events at all the major AQHA circuits, and they’re in good company with their mom, Anna Langley, and their aunt, Heather Van Hooser, who not only inspire them but can also be found making their marks in the show pen as well.

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