$1,000 Added For Circuit Awards at EMO Celebration in June

Celebrate this: $1,000 payouts for circuit awards at The EMO Celebration, June 30-July 10, 2022. ($1,000 added to most classes*)
$1,000 payout will be paid as follows:
- Circuit Champion – $500
- Reserve Circuit Champion – $300
- 3rd place in Circuit – $200
Walk Trot Circuit Champions will receive buckles. (Walk Trot classes will not have $1,000 added) Exhibitors must show all three times class the class is offered to qualify for circuit payouts or Walk Trot awards.
View Class Schedule
The following classes have $1,000 payouts:
- Youth Ranch Trail
- Amateur Ranch Trail
- Select Ranch Trail
- Ranch Trail
- Open Cutting
- Amt Cutting
- Youth Cutting
- L1 Youth Ranch Riding
- Youth Ranch Riding
- L1 Amt Ranch Riding
- Amt Select Ranch Riding
- Amt Ranch Riding
- L1 Ranch Riding
- Junior Ranch Riding
- Senior Ranch Riding
- L1 Youth Reining
- Youth Reining
- L1 Amt Reining
- Amt Select Reining
- Amt Reining
- Junior Reining
- Senior Reining
- Junior Working Cow Horse
- Senior Working Cow Horse
- Youth Working Cow Horse
- Youth Cow Horse Boxing
- Amt Working Cow Horse
- Amt Cow Horse Boxing
- Amateur Ranch Rail
- Open Ranch On The Rail
- Youth Ranch Rail
- Pleasure Driving
- Amt Pleasure Driving
- Yth Perf. Halter Geldings
- Youth Perf. Halter Mares
- Am Perf. Halter Geldings
- Perf. Halter Geldings
- Am Perf. Halter Mares
- Perf Halter Mares
- L1 Youth Showmanship
- L2 Youth Showmanship
- L3 Yth Showmanship
- L1 Amt Showmanship
- L1 Amt Select Showmanship
- L2 Amt Select Showmanship
- L3 Amt Select Showmanship
- L2 Amt Showmanship
- L3 Amt Showmanship
- L1 Youth Western Riding
- Youth Western Riding
- L1 Amt Western Riding
- Amt Select Western Riding
- L1 Western Riding
- Junior Western Riding
- Amt Western Riding
- L2 Senior Western Riding
- L3 Senior Western Riding
- L1 Youth Hunt Seat Equitation
- Youth Hunt Seat Equitation
- L1 Amt Hunt Seat Equitation
- Amt Select Hunt Seat Equitation
- Amt Hunt Seat Equitation
- L2 Senior Trail
- L3 Senior Trail
- L1 Amt Trail
- L1 Amt Select Trail
- L2 Amt Trail
- L3 Amt Trail
- L2 Amt Select Trail
- L3 Amt Select Trail
- L1 Trail
- Youth Trail
- Junior Trail
- L1 Western Pleasure
- L1 Youth Western Pleasure
- Youth Western Pleasure
- Junior Western Pleasure
- L1 Amt Select Pleasure
- Amt Select Western Pleasure
- L1 Amt Western Pleasure
- Amt Western Pleasure
- Senior Western Pleasure
- L1 Youth Horsemanship
- L2 Youth Horsemanship
- L3 Youth Horsemanship
- L1 Amt Select Horsemanship
- L2 Amt Select Horsemanship
- L3 Am Select Horsemanship
- L1 Am Horsemanship
- L2 Amt Horsemanship
- L3 Amt Horsemanship
- L1 Hunter Under Saddle
- L1 Youth Hunter Under Saddle
- Youth Hunter Under Saddle
- Junior Hunter Under Saddle
- L1 Amt Hunter Under Saddle
- Select Hunter Under Saddle
- Amt Hunter Under Saddle
- Senior Hunter Under Saddle
Climate controlled stalls and arenas and a fun environment.
Stay where you play. Enjoy the convenience of having a premier hotel and equestrian facility all in one!
For class lists, schedules and complete details visit The Celebration Las Vegas.