Our sincerest condolences go out to the family of Dr. Gus Darilek, who recently passed away. He is survived by his loving wife, Maurice “Doc” Wilkinson.
Continue reading …Did you know that The Equine Chronicle has sponsored a $500 daily, random, cash drawing at the Cornhusker Classic?! You might walk out of the pen with a $1 bill or a $20! You just never know…
Continue reading …Black is classic; teal is exotic; red is passionate; and blue is the perfect mix between them: dark enough to be elegant and vibrant enough to be noticed and… different.
Continue reading …Whether your horse show dad is a trainer or judge, or he can’t tell the difference between a forehand and a forelock, all fathers deserve some love this Father’s Day!
Continue reading …Many of our readers will remember this story about Kelly and Saddie back in 2014- The Journey From a $350 Abused Weanling to a Multiple World Champion. We’re glad to see they are still having success in the show pen four years later!
Continue reading …“Ask any trainer and he or she will tell you that the horses are the easy part. It is us, the clients, who make things complicated.”
Continue reading …You’ve loved the #ShowSharing Tips that the Illinois Quarter Horse Youth Association has been sharing with The Equine Chronicle. Well, now they have a new series called My First Quarter Horse! Check out the first installment with Zoey Silver. Click here to watch the video.
Continue reading …Then, of course, once she arrived, Baby Arya Grace had to have a photo shoot of her very own!
Continue reading …Remember, your horse has a certain “bag of tricks” it can do. Don’t try to teach him something new overnight. Utilize your best skills and apply them to complete the pattern in the best way you can THAT day.
Continue reading …“My dad passed away at 11:59 pm on Thursday night, and I found out about Brett on Friday morning. I just keep trying to tell myself that they’re in heaven, together.”
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