“I was walking out to get my horses from their paddocks with a halter slung over my shoulder. It occurred to me that the crown piece of the horse halter would make a perfect shoulder strap for a handbag. It stayed put on my shoulder, and it was so comfy! Later, I looked online to see if I could find a handbag made from a horse halter strap, and my search turned up nothing.”
Continue reading …Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is planning to offer an amendment (S. Amdt1742) to the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations act (S.1243) that would strip all funding from the Recreational Trail Program (RTP). The Paul amendment would transfer all funding from the Transportation Alternatives Program to pay for bridge repairs. RTP is part […]
Continue reading …Armed with only her trusty clippers and her ingenuity, (she uses no stencils whatsoever) Oskolkov-Schneider creates “designer” clips such as the giraffe, zebra, brick wall, checkerboard, and spiderweb. The astonishing thing is that this young equestrian doesn’t have considerable experience. She attempted her first clip on her own pony, “Cricket,” in August 2012.
Continue reading …The next time you start to grumble about how long and complicated a trail pattern is, or how you can never manage to find your way through a course without getting lost, imagine what it would be like to ride while blindfolded. Although novice amateur exhibitor Diane Stenborg can see shades of color and high levels of contrast, it’s a pretty good analogy for describing what it’s like to take a ride in her boots.
Continue reading …When it comes to the care of their horses, it’s not uncommon for horse owners to make personal sacrifices – devoting the majority of their resources to the comfort and care of their four-legged friends. Because of that emotional attachment and economic investment most equine enthusiasts have with their horses, they are constantly searching for […]
Continue reading …“I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and degenerative disk disease in my lower back in the lumbar region of L-3, 4, and 5. They went in and fused that together both anteriorly and posteriorly. I have 11 screws, six big ones and five little ones, two cages, and two, five-inch rods. It’s six months in now and recovery is going great. I’m right back in the ring again.
Continue reading …Guelph, Ontario – June 20, 2013 – Finding out just why horses do the things they do is the focus of Advanced Equine Behaviour, a 12-week course being offered by Equine Guelph that has been designed to increase your knowledge through evidence-based research as it relates to horse behaviour, learning theory, and related welfare issues. “The field […]
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