Breaking WCHA News

Logo courtesy of WCHA
From WCHA:
Below are some very important upcoming deadlines for you to be aware of and information on upcoming events !!
- Nominations: Offspring of Enrolled Stallions must be nominated to be eligible for competition in the following WCHA Sponsored Events: (Nomination Forms Attached To This Newsletter)
- WCHA Breeder’s Championship Futurity– We’ve reduced fees for weanlings and also the “catch-up” fees for Yearlings and Two and Over horses !!
- Big Money Futurity– Basic rates of only $100 Early bird or $150 anytime thereafter prior to entering Big Money Futurity plus a very modest $50 color nomination
- Your junior weanlings must be nominated prior to entering the Jr Slot Classes held within the AQHA World Show
- All yearlings and older horses must be nominated in the WCHA Breeder’s Futurity Program to compete within the stakes classes and maiden/green classes in WCHA Supreme Championship Show
- All horses that compete for the title of WCHA Supreme Champion must be nominated with WCHA Breeder’s Futurity Program
- Renew your membership and make your nominations on our MEMBER PORTAL……… I promise you it’s EASY !! Go to, see in upper right corner of home page: Member Portal then click on it, listen to the short tutorial that explains how to open your account, then enter your email address that is associated with your account, choose a password for your account and you’re good to go !!! We have already uploaded horses you’ve nominated in the past. Renew your membership, update horses that are listed under your ownership and accurately submit names that are still pending in the system. Make your 2024 nominations under both WCHA Breeders and also Big Money. Unless you’re a stallion owner you don’t go into the Stallion Enrollment section.
- WCHA Supreme Championship Show – May 9, 10,11,12 in Oklahoma City
- Showbill will be posted SOON !!!
- Our show secretary is Christian Jauntig, he will be posting his link to make your entries, reserve stalls, download entry forms into our stakes classes very soon.
- This Championship Show will be “multi-phase” event, by that I mean we will have 4 – Halter Only AQHA Pointed Approved Judges (one show but 4 sets of points awarded), 4 APHA Halter Only Approved Shows and 4 ApHC Approved Halter Only Shows.
- Within each and every class within each and breed we will have stakes classes where horses can earn both money and points !! I’ve attached entry form for these stakes classes. Stakes Champions will receive beautiful trophy buckles !! I’ve attached the entry form for the Open and Amateur Stakes Classes.
- Separate Entry Form for the Non Pro Green/Maiden Classfor yearlings of all breeds. Three classes: Stallions – Mares – Geldings, all breeds show together. See the attached form for the eligibility to compete in these elite and prestigious stakes…….. we will add a minimum of $30,000 to the class plus your entry fees go into the purses……. I’m still working on getting additional sponsorship dollars for these classes !!
- Within each and every class within each breed we will name a WCHA Supreme Champion ……. We have a NEW beautiful trophy designed specifically for this special title !!!
- Our Supreme Show will take place in the Performance Arena across the street from the Super Barn
- EARLY ARRIVAL for stalls begin at noon on Tuesday, May 7th($15 early arrival fee) Stall Fees: $285 per stall from May 8 through May 12.
- Our WCHA Stalls are all located in the Super Barn, there are 2 local clubs combining to put on APHA/ApHC approved shows in Barn 8, in agreement with them WCHA will not hold any Paint or Appaloosa “halter” classes on Saturday, May 11thHOWEVER if you show in WCHA Supreme Show within any of our breed classes you MUST BOOK YOUR STALLS with WCHA. No Exceptions and the 2 local clubs are in agreement.
- Host Hotel: We have block of rooms reserved waiting for YOU !! Holiday Garden Inn, Great Rates, Great Breakfast….. rebates come back to WCHA for “your” future events. Must book through Dawn Causey:
- Social Events…………… we are planning something for EVERY DAY !!!! Kate Jackson and India Champion are spearheading this effort and we need help in setting up but also sponsors !!
- There is going to be many “unknown” factors with this first Championship “stand alone” event for WCHA, expenses are estimated, entries are estimated, the time to run each day’s classes will be estimated, stall income will be estimated. As WCHA Members this is YOUR event, we need volunteers to save on costs such as people to help unload and sort awards on Wednesday before show starts, help with setting up social events, setting up sale ring and tearing down after the sale…….. please sign up as a volunteer to lend a hand. Contact Andrea Olsen to sign up:
- Show Sponsors: This show is going to cost us over $250,000 to put on, we need your help in covering these expenses but also to raise purse monies !! We need buckle sponsors, class sponsors, stakes class sponsors, etc etc. We also have a TEAM SPONSOR category so if you have multiple people within one stable or group of friends that want to form a team we will give you “stall assignment preferences” plus a VIP Table in arena, team presentation of class awards and a FREE tack stall.
- WCHA BREEDER’S SELECT SALE: Saturday, May 11thto be held in the Sale Pavilion behind the Café. Sale starts at 1pm
- Consign your sale horse NOW in this prestigious sale, last date to consign is March 18th
- Click on this link to consign a horse:
- Any questions Contact our Sale Manager : Jennifer Anderson • 405-401-4759 • Fax 940-382-4404 • e-mail:
- Consignment Fees: $500, 8% commission, 4% commission PO fee……. Extensive advertising prior to the sale plus you can bid live if you’re not in attendance !!!
- We are accepting weanlings, 3 in 1 packages, yearlings, two year old and older show horses, mares in foal to enrolled stallions.
- All consignments must be sired by or in foal to a stallion enrolled in WCHA Breeder’s Futurity Program, it will also be a sale incentive if your weanlings and yearlings are nominated for this year !!!
- RV Reservations: We have 29 spaces available in the VIP LOT that is the closest to the “action”, I’ve attached the reservation form for this lot. All other rv reservations must be made through Ok State Fair in the following link:
- WCHA Breeder’s Championship Futurity – Rising Star Futurity – Big Money Futurity !!
- Some changes we’ve made to the Yearling classes: The past 3 years we’ve had over 60 entries in our yearling mare classes and over 30 in our gelding classes, because of the success of splitting our weanlings into 3 age divisions last year we will SPLIT THE YEARLINGS into 2 divisions (early/late based on age) if a class exceeds 40 entries “that check in”. I certainly see this being the case in our yearling mares so by splitting into two age groups we will:
* Reduce Total Time to conduct the class, pay more participants with two classes vs only one, an exhibitor may then be able to show two horses if they have fit in early and late divisions.
* Entry forms for these fall futurities will be posted late March but you first must NOMINATE TO BE ELIGIBLE.
Stallion Owners: If you haven’t yet enrolled your stallion we need you to do so ASAP…….. mare owners/exhibitors with offspring by your stallion want to nominate at the lowest fees so assist them in doing so by sending in your stallion enrollment forms!! Also, sale consignments are required to be sired by or In Foal to a currently enrolled stallion.
That’s it for now!!! Stay tuned to for additional newsletters, news releases on WCHA Facebook and Instagram………….. yes we are now on Instagram, please go in and LIKE our WCHA page !!!
Call or email me with any questions you may have!!! Go to our Forms Page on our website, all nomination and entry forms will be posted there but USE YOUR MEMBER PORTAL !!
Don Falcon
WCHA Executive Director
2024 WCHA VIP RV Reservation Form
2024 Supreme Champion Stakes Entry Form
2024 Supreme Champion Maiden_Green Entry
2024 WCHA 2 Yr Old And Older Nomination Form
2024 WCHA Weanling And Yearling Nomination Form
2024 WCHA Membership Form 2024 Big Money Nomination Form